Follow our certification process


Halal Italia sets up an audit team and sends the company the names of the auditors who will carry out the certification audit.


Halal Italia auditors and technicians have knowledge and expertise in the following:

  • Islamic doctrine on food, cosmetics and pharmaceutical
  • relevant national and international halal certification standards
  • relevant production industry
  • ways and methods conducting the audit

Halal Italia requires its auditors and technicians to sign a form with a confidentiality agreement covering any company information they will be informed about.


Audit planning involves arranging the date of the audit with the company at least five days in advance. The audit plan is then forwarded by the audit team.


On-site audit, surveillance and supplementary audit are structured as follows:

  • an initial meeting with the company’s management team and directors to confirm the purpose and methods of the audit in relation to the audit plan of which they have already been informed
  • ratification of the procedures, processes and products for which certification is requested and which must be witnessed directly
  • further survey of the findings from the documentary analysis or previous audits
  • a final meeting to present the results and conclusions of the audit team to the company management and directors as regards the compliance of products, processes or services to the required standards, specifying any Non-Conformities, Recommendations and Comments found.

Within a few days after the audit, Halal Italia will send the company the audit report outlining the results of the audit including any Non-Conformities, Recommendations and Comments found. The company is required to sign the audit report for acknowledgement and acceptance and return it to Halal Italia.


Following the issue of Non-Conformities and Recommendations, the company must send Halal Italia, within the agreed timeframe and on an appropriate form, an analysis of the causes, actions and corrective measures emerging from the findings, indicating the timeframe for implementing them. The certification body assesses and approves the proposed corrective measures and, if it considers them inappropriate, informs the company in writing about the corrections that need to be made.

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Responsibilities and obligations

The company is responsible for compliance with laws applying to its products, processes or services, excluding any liability or guarantees on the part of Halal Italia. The company undertakes to ensure the completeness and truthfulness of any documents and information passed on to the certification body. Halal Italia is expressly exonerated from any responsibility for damages due to failure to pass on data (in part or full) or if the said data do not correspond to the actual state of the company.

Protection of personal and corporate data

Halal Italia guarantees the confidentiality and care of any data it may have knowledge of or be in possession of, which will be handled in accordance with current Italian and European privacy legislation (Legislative Decree 196/2003 and subsequent amendments) and in compliance with UAE.S 2055-2, GSO 2055-2 accreditation standard for Halal certification bodies.